Goshin Jujitsu (a derivative of Shin Shin Jujitsu) is a modern self-defense-oriented style of Jujitsu that tends to be more well rounded, and provides a complete system. As there is no single creator of Goshin Jujitsu, per se, the name of the style refers to systems which are rooted in traditional Jujitsu, but also draw from boxing, wrestling, Wing Chun, Aikido, Krav Maga, Judo (itself a Jujitsu derivative), and everything
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Kick-Boxing classes
Our Kickboxing classes teach students how throw punches and kicks while building strength and endurance in high-intensity classes. Kickboxing incorporates moves and techniques from many disciplines of martial arts. Techniques on punches, kicks, elbows, clinches, and takedowns are taught. It is suitable for people of all fitness levels. Kickboxing is a great cardiovascular exercise and makes for an effective full-body workout. It balances upper- and lower-body flexibility. This class will
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New class schedule
We have settled into our new location on the second floor of the CrossFit Lakewood Ranch building. Our class times have expanded to include more self defense classes for both children and adults. The new times are as follows. Monday – Thursday from 5-6pm Ju Jitsu classes for students ages 10-15. Monday – Thursday from 6-7pm Ju Jitsu classes for students ages 16-adults. On Friday we have an early Ju
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