We show women special self defense techniques that do not require great strength but good technique to get themselves out of a bad situation. Our self defense classes are designed to empower women. It is perfect for women of all ages. We will train varies techniques many of which are used by the Military, and Law Enforcement. You will be taught in a group setting practicing for real world situations.
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The History of Judo
In Japan, a martial arts form was quietly brewing inside of the mind of a young Japanese where it was patiently waiting to take the world by storm. Then, in 1882, it appeared. Originally a part of jujitsu, this art form is known as judo and it branched off and became the worldwide sport we have come to love today. During the twelfth and nineteenth centuries, the samurai was currently
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Kyle’s Black Belt Essay
Seven years, it has been a total of seven years as of writing this to get to where I am today. This has been one of the best experiences that I have had that has not only helped me learn to defend myself, but in becoming a better person as a whole. At the very beginning, my parents were looking for a self-defense school since I was being bullied at
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Why Kids Who Do JuJitsu Get Better Grades
Some parents are weary that jujitsu may promote violence. However this is a myth and often not the case. Many parents use Ju Jitsu as a way to help channel their children’s extra energy. While jujitsu is a great form of fitness it also has additional benefits. It has been found that children that participate in activities such as Jujitsu perform better in school. Jujitsu is a form of self-defense
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Women’s Self Defense Class
Our Women’s Self Defense Course, aims to introduce women to an array of self-defense techniques. We teach personal safety, from sexual assaults to potentially abusive partners. Throughout the program, you should be empowered to identify and avoid violence, and as a last resort be able to protect yourself physically – against the most common types of attacks and assaults that you will potentially have to face. We will cover the
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Promotions to Orange Belt
We are proud of our Orange Belt promotions. Students Bob, Susan, Tyler and Riley have advanced to Orange Belt after passing their Ju-Jitsu test. Earning a Orange belt signifies that you are no longer a novice. Our students were tested on basic to intermediate Ju Jitsu techniques. Their skills have progressed through months of practice and discipline. The can-do attitude that these students have allowed them to gain their recent success.
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What is Goshin Jujitsu?
Goshin Jujitsu (a derivative of Shin Shin Jujitsu) is a modern self-defense-oriented style of Jujitsu that tends to be more well rounded, and provides a complete system. As there is no single creator of Goshin Jujitsu, per se, the name of the style refers to systems which are rooted in traditional Jujitsu, but also draw from boxing, wrestling, Wing Chun, Aikido, Krav Maga, Judo (itself a Jujitsu derivative), and everything
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Kick-Boxing classes
Our Kickboxing classes teach students how throw punches and kicks while building strength and endurance in high-intensity classes. Kickboxing incorporates moves and techniques from many disciplines of martial arts. Techniques on punches, kicks, elbows, clinches, and takedowns are taught. It is suitable for people of all fitness levels. Kickboxing is a great cardiovascular exercise and makes for an effective full-body workout. It balances upper- and lower-body flexibility. This class will
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New class schedule
We have settled into our new location on the second floor of the CrossFit Lakewood Ranch building. Our class times have expanded to include more self defense classes for both children and adults. The new times are as follows. Monday – Thursday from 5-6pm Ju Jitsu classes for students ages 10-15. Monday – Thursday from 6-7pm Ju Jitsu classes for students ages 16-adults. On Friday we have an early Ju
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Jujitsu vs Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
Martial Arts has been developed in many different parts of the world from Europe, Africa, Asia, and to the Americas. Some evolved from other forms of martial arts while others have deep histories that go back thousands of years. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a great example of this. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu descended from the art of Japanese Jujitsu. Japanese Jujitsu There are many jujitsu schools around the world now. They originate from
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